I wish to register complaint against election irregularities and violence caused by well known youths at Nyabondo Day Polling station 0n 27th nov2024.
On the said day party members turned out to participate in primaries.The election was to be conducted by Polycarp Aduogo as Presiding officer and two clerks duly Appointed by NEC.The chaos start immediately the P.O called the elections to order when he spelt rules governing the process and a
one Joab Nyaori an aspirant for youth chairmanship refused to produce documents and proof of age.He started inciting youth allied to his and even called others from the nearby polling centre to come and support his cause insisting that people should not be verified and that every body who turned up should be allowed to vote irrespective of whether he is registered member or not.When the P.O stood to say that election rules and regulations must be followed and that anyone who fails to meet the requirements will not be allowed to participate.As election was progressing well the position chairman was called and one presented himself and he did not have an IDto prove his as other youth were claiming he is past youth bracket.It was at point that he went to attack the P.O and his team some people curved in to protect the P.O.Immediately they start beating anyone insight.In the process some people were hurt.Notable argly is when an 60+yrs mzee Joseph Oginga Arombe was with his wife by one Joab and Walugu.The mzee was hurt and the matter was reported at Maraboi Police at Sondu vide OB No.04/22/27/11/2024 and p3 issued waiting police action.
When chaos erupted the P.Oand his Team managed to escape to the nearest neighbouring high school where the deputy principa a Mr Okello hid the in the kitchen as Joab,Walugu and official(nic name) in hot pursuit.The three were missing directed by the school watchman that the three passed through upto the PO homebut the failed to get him.
After failing to get the P.O the three went back to his camp team and called ward chairman to come and carry out the process.When the chair who apparently was a party created a photo copy form a purported carried a mock election which was basically filling the photo copy odm election form and took it to Nyakach Returning Officer a Mr.Othoro.When the other team had of what had been done by the other camp they waylaid the P.O
As he was coming out from his hideout and took him back to Nyabondo Day and also carried out election.When I was informed of what had transpired I immediately informed the R.O of the two incidents and he told the ward chairman is already with him submitting results.He furtherinstructed me to give theP.O his number to call so that he could tell him where he should take the results to him.I gave the P.O his nunumber and in did he called and was directed and he took the results to him.Indeed he was honest to inform the P.O the he has also received the other groups results and that he will see how to deal with matter.The following day the R.O called the p.O to to his office in the and take to him I'd numbers of two candidates that their id details was not filled.
I then called asked him what he was doing about the two list and told me he was going to forward the to the county elections chair to make a decision.
When I later inquired with the county NEC.he told me his not aware of two and that the R.O did not tell.He admitted that there was a small fracas and that's all the R.O briefed him of,and he has forwarded his list to nairobi.
It at the point that I realised there is some mockey game and started calling both R.O and the chairman to get clear clarification to avail until I reached out to the Chairman National Elections coordinator.
Aware that this election was not meant to leave us decided the R.O would have tried to investigate and get to know what transpired and if possible the two groups and get to hear their side of the story.Again this matter to me was grave the there was noway he could handle it casually without bringing to attention of the county R.O all that happened at polling station.
Again what happened to the officially appointed P.O that made the ward chairman conduct a parallel election.Why did he accept a photo copy result form and original given by his office as the legitimate document without resolving this grave violence that caused all these.Worse he presented it to his County R.O casually as if those injured are lesser human beings including the life of his officer the P.O.
It's therefore my submission that all two results should be avoided to he's to;
1-to acertain the legal members of that polling station and whether they met all the requirements qualifying them to participate because even Joab Nyaori's name is appearing in one of the list in question as Chairman for youth league.
2-Get these two list and you agree with me that some names are appearing in both list.One wonders how they attended two elections.Once are done you will confirm for yourself that none coduct any credable election.
In view of the above submission there is need for a repeat election to get a clear winner to disasso.ciate our party with sham election and maintain the confidence that has been built in our Nationl Elections Coordinating Team.